Calendly Events for Zoho Bigin
Integrate Calendly events to Zoho Bigin to manage your calendar using Calendly Events for Zoho Bigin.
Sync your entire Calendly organization with Zoho Bigin
Schedule appointments with Contacts
View the Calendly history of any Contact
View all appointments booked within the Activities module of Zoho Bigin
Create new Calendly appointments from anywhere within Zoho Bigin
Access the complete history of upcoming and past Calendly appointments
View the booking details of any Calendly event
Use the scheduler to reschedule and cancel upcoming events
Obtain the Calendly booking links of all Calendly agents
Share single-use links with contacts
Go through the complete analytics of the integration
Allow users to use your Calendly account as the Zoho Bigin admin
Installation Process
Visit the Zoho Marketplace where you can find the extension Calendly Events for Zoho Bigin
Install the integration.
Agree to the permissions required.
Click on Continue.
Select the users for whom the integration is to be installed.
Click on Confirm.
Click on 'Settings' on the extension Configure page.
Select the Zoho account DC.
Click on 'Authorize Now'.
Click on 'Accept' to authorize Zoho account.
Enter the Calendly personal access token.
Authorize your Calendly account.
The Calendly scheduler is now integrated with your Zoho Bigin account.
Contact Appointments
Go to any Zoho Bigin Client or Opportunity.
Click on 'New Calendly Appointment'.
You would now be redirected to the Calendly Events for Zoho Bigin application.
Select the Calendly agent with whom the appointment is to be booked.
Select event of the selected Calendly agent.
Select your preferred date, timezone and time.
Click on Confirm.
Enter the booking details required.
Click on the 'Copy Contacts Fields' drop-down.
At the drop-down you view all the fields of the contact which can be copied directly to enter the details.
Schedule your Calendly appointment with the Zoho Bigin contact.
Contact Event History
Within the application, select 'Events History'.
Select the Calendly agent.
You can now view all the appointments of the contact with the selected Calendly agent.
Click on Show past meetings to view the previous appointments.
Select any appointment to view the booking details.
In order to reschedule an appointment, click on 'Reschedule Event'.
You would now be re-directed to the rescheduling page.
Select the date and time for rescheduling.
Enter the details and reason for rescheduling the event.
Click on 'Update Event'.
In order to cancel an appointment, click on 'Cancel Event'.
You would be redirected to the canceling page.
Enter the cause for cancellation.
Click on 'Cancel Event'.
Also, search for any email id to view the upcoming and past appointments of a specific contact.
Calendly Booking Links
Within the application, select Event Links.
Select the Calendly agent whose link is required.
Here you can access the link to the agent's events.
Also, you can view the list of all the Calendly events of the particular agent.
Click on 'Open' to access the booking link.
In order to share a one-time booking link with any contact, click on 'Get single-use link'.
Click on 'Copy single-use link' and share it with the required contact.
Real-time Notifications
Receive instant notifications for Calendly appointments booked at the bell icon within the application.
Here you can view the latest and viewed notifications which would be differentiated.
Also, access the associated Zoho Bigin contacts from the notification.
Extension Settings
Click on your Ulgebra profile within the application.
You can now view the extension settings page.
Calendly for Zoho Bigin Tab
Select 'Open in New Tab'.
You can now book Calendly appointments and access events history and booking links at any moment in a separate tab.
Manage Calendly Users
Admin Account
Select 'Manage App Users'.
You can view the list of Zoho Bigin users.
The admin can add any user to allow them to use their authorized Calendly account.
You can also remove, add all and remove all users based on your requirements.
User Account
The user can now view the invite sent by the admin on the integration settings page.
Accept the invitation.
During the Calendly authorization process, select the admin account.
The authorization would be completed automatically with the admin account.
Incoming Settings
Select Incoming events sync.
Enable 'Capture incoming events' to receive incoming events into Zoho Bigin.
New contacts will be created for Calendly events booked by non-existing contacts i.e., their email id does not exist in your Zoho Bigin.
In case you do not wish for new contacts to be created, enable the option 'Ignore events from NEW customers'.
You can view the list of Calendly events associated with your Calendly organization.
Enable the events you wish to receive incoming events from.
Disable the events you do not wish to receive incoming events from.
Determine which Zoho Bogin users must receive the incoming events of each Calendly agent.
You can view that the Calendly users are listed.
Under Zoho Bigin user, select the respective Zoho Bigin user who must receive the meetings booked with each agent.
Field Mapping
Map the Calendly fields to the appropriate Zoho Bigin fields to receive the details of the incoming Calendly events booked within the required Zoho Bigin fields.
Select 'Fields Mapping for Sync'.
Once redirected to the field mapping page, click on '+Create New Field Mapping'.
Enter the name of the field mapping to be created.
Select the Calendly event for which the field mapping is to be applied in case of incoming events.
Select the Contacts module.
Ensure that an incoming appointment exists for the selected Calendly event based on which the field mapping can be done.
Select an existing Calendly appointment to load the Calendly fields.
You can view the list of Calendly fields available in the drop-down to choose from.
Select the appropriate field or enter a custom value.
The select field or value entered must be of the data type of the associated Zoho Bigin field.
Click on 'Close' to close the field values drop-down.
Once you have mapped all the required fields, click on 'Save Field Mapping'.
The field mapping has been saved.
You can now view the field mapping created under Saved Field Mappings along with the number of fields mapped.
You can edit, duplicate or delete the field mapping.
Application Statistics
Select 'App Usage Analytics'.
Here you can view the complete analytics of the usage of Calendly Events for Zoho Bigin.
Reset Application
Select 'Reset App Configurations'.
Enter 'confirm' and click on 'Reset' to delete all the data of the integration.
Sync your calendar with Zoho Bigin through Calendly.
Classic Plan
$5 /user/month
Book an appointment from Zoho Bigin
View booked meetings history
Notifications for new calendly events.
Get contacts and events as records created inside the Zoho Bigin board for new calendly events.
Priority Support
Access to all new upcoming features
Additional Credits
In case of additional credit requirements, top-up your Ulgebra Credits.